Rated Output(R.O.):2.0±0.004mv/v
Linearity including hysteresis:±0.05% of R.O.
Repeatability:±0.02% of R.O.
Creep:±0.03% of R.O.
Recovery:±0.03% of R.O.
Recommended excitation voltage:10V ac or dc
Maximum excitation voltage:15V ac or dc
Zero balance:±1% of R.O.
Input terminal resistance:350±5 Ohms
Output terminal resistance:350±3 Ohms
Cable length:5m
Insulation resistance:5000M Ohms
Compensated temperature range:-10~+60°C
Safe temperature range:-30~+80°C
Temperature effect on load:±0.015% of Reading/10°C
Temperature effect on zero balance:±0.015% of R.O./5°C
Safe overload:150% of Rated Capacity
Ultimate overload:300% of Rated Capacity