UW/UX Series
Top-loading Balances
The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings superior impact resistance unrivaled quick response, excellent stability and durability at the same time. Powerful features support any imaginable weighing application. UW Series comes with motor-diven built-in calibration weight and fully-automatic calibration functions.
Automatic span calibration
Choice of fully-automatic calibrations: PSC and Clock -CAL
Operator can choose from two types of fully-automatic span calibration methods. "PSC" is initiated based on temperature change detection, and "Clock-CAL" operates at user pre-set times (up to three times a day).
Fully-automatic calibration Clock-CAL
Automatic calibration at user-preset times.
The balance automatically performs calibration at selected times, up to three times a day (e.g. before starting work, during lunch-break or after work).
Fully-automatic calibration PSC
The balance detects variations in the ambient temperature that influence accuracy and automatically performs calibration to compensate it.
Data management
GLP/GMP/ISO calibration report
Calibration report can be automatically printed with the optional electronic printer. Date, time, serial number and ID are also output to meet GLP/GMP/ISO requirements.
WindowsDirect function
The balance communicates directly to a PC with Windows® applications. No additional software is needed to interface with spreadsheets, databases, word processing, and laboratory software. WindowsDirect works with Windows® 95, 98, 2000, NT4.0, ME and XP. PC must be IBM PC/AT compatible.
Application support
Unit conversion
Weight value is presented in 22 units and modes, including percentage, carat, specific gravity, lb, oz, and so on. Users can choose any combination of units depending on their needs.
Piece counting function
Piece counting function is installed as standard.
Specific gravity measurement
Weigh below hook
Analog display modes
Bar graph clearly indicates the total weight (including the tare) as a portion of the balance capacity.
Select a target weight and tolerance. The display clearly indicates when they are reached.
Set an upper and lower limit. The display continually indicates whether the sample is within the range "GO", over range "HI" or under range "LO". Choose one of the two bar graph display modes.
LCD with backlight
LCD with backlight can be read with ease and comfort in any location without brightness adjustment.
Mã hiệu
Mức cân
Độ đọc (vạch chia nhỏ nhất)
Tầm hiệu chuẩn với quả chuẩn
1000 – 2200g
1000 – 4200g
1000 – 6200g
1000 – 4200g
1000 – 8200g
Độ lặp lại (g)
≤ 0.01
≤ 0.008
≤ 0.08
Độ tuyến tính (g)
± 0.02
± 0.01
± 0.1
Khoảng thời gian hiển thị kết quả
0.7 – 1.2
Nhiệt độ môi trường‑( oC)
5 ~ 40
Độ nhạy của hệ số nhiệt độ
(ppm/oC) (10 ~ 30 oC)
± 30C
± 5
Kích thước bàn cân (mm)
170 x 180
108 x 105
170 x 180
Kích thước khung thân chính
190W X 317D X 78H
Trọng lượng máy (kg)
Màn hình hiển thị
LCD có đèn nền
Nguồn điện cung cấp
DC , 10 đến 15.5 V , 500mA
Ngõ dữ liệu ra / vào
RS – 232C
Các chức năng chính khác
Kết nối máy tính, hiệu chuẩn nội, cài đặt hiệu chuẩn theo giờ, cảm ứng đo nhiệt
(tự hiệu chuẩn khi nhiệt độ bên ngoài thay đổi), báo cáo đạt tiêu chuẩn GLP/GMP/
ISO, hiển thị đồ thị, hiển thị tỉ lệ %, đếm số lượng, chuyển đổi đơn vị, cân động vật, bộ chuyển đổi đo trọng lực (đo tỉ trọng), cân kiểm tra.